Studies in Motion: The Hauntings of Eadweard Muybridge
Category: Books,Literature & Fiction,Dramas & Plays
Studies in Motion: The Hauntings of Eadweard Muybridge Details
Review “A piece of theatre polished to brilliance, so complete and so completely satisfying that this awe-inspiring oddity should be seen on major stages around the world.”– Vancouver Sun“A lucid, visually compelling and forceful piece of theatre.” – Calgary Herald“Studies in Motion is always seductive to look at … the resulting complexity is sublime.”– Georgia Straight“For Studies in Motion, Kerr has written a complex, thoughtfully layered script that makes us laugh and care about this deeply troubled man.” – Globe and Mail”Studies in Motion … takes a subject from the world of science and breathes theatrical life into it with music, movement, imagery and text … production values don’t get higher than this. Feast your eyes.” – Vancouver CourierA piece of theatre polished to brilliance, so complete and so completely satisfying that this awe-inspiring oddity should be seen on major stages around the world.” Vancouver SunA lucid, visually compelling and forceful piece of theatre.” Calgary HeraldStudies in Motion is always seductive to look at the resulting complexity is sublime.” Georgia StraightFor Studies in Motion, Kerr has written a complex, thoughtfully layered script that makes us laugh and care about this deeply troubled man.” Globe and Mail”Studies in Motion takes a subject from the world of science and breathes theatrical life into it with music, movement, imagery and text production values don’t get higher than this. Feast your eyes.” Vancouver Courier Read more About the Author Kevin Kerr is a playwright, director, actor and founding member of Vancouver’s Electric Company Theatre.In the 1999/2000 season, he was Writer in Residence at Touchstone Theatre where he developed Unity (1918) (Talonbooks, 2002), which earned him the Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama. He is the recipient of three Jessie Richardson Awards for Outstanding Original Play (Brilliant!, The Score and Unity) and his work has been produced across Canada, in the United States, United Kingdom, France and Australia. Read more